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Junior Min Myo
Digital Strategist
October 18, 2021

6 tips to make your graphic design work more interesting

In general, there are millions of ways or methods you can use to make sure your artwork is in perfect condition but here are some simple yet effective ways that you can easily utilize with few effort to improve your current artworks to a next level.

Simple tips are as follow:

  1. Content / Message :

Your artwork content should be aligned with the most updated idea for the promotion and/or the event that you are going to promote as clear as possible. It should be easy to see the main content/message even at a glance. Audience won’t be interested in seeing an artwork without clear message that is unrellevant to real time event eventhough you are giving a huge offer for that particular product.

Check the two artworks: one with distracting contents and another with clear message.
  1. Design idea :

Try to focus on using realistic images instead of icons or cartoons. Using realistic items or images in your artwork makes it more premium looking and draw attention more than using generic icons or cartonnish ones in general. Dont’ forget to use simple color tone with clear contrast between words and images, too.

Check the attractiveness difference between two artworks below for realistic image vs cartoonish image.
  1. Format / Type : 

It is important to make sure final product suits with the platform you will publish. Different platforms has different requirements of artwork type/ratio/dimension. Plan ahead for which communication channel you will use and consider the artwork format including ratio, pixel size, dimensions, etc., to save your precious time and energy.

Check the images only for one campaign but different artwork dimensions.
  1. Media Channel : 

Your priority target should be to the strongest social platform of your audience target group. Learn about your audience behavior on using social media in the target area. It could be effective using location specific social media such as Zalo commonly used in Vietnam, LINE is widely used in Thailand, Viber or Telegram is mainly used in Myanmar and Cambodia, Facebook is unavailable in China, and so on, this information is useful when using digital media to promote your product.

Social media channels you can use to post your work.
  1. Tools : 

If possible, getting someone who is proficiently skilled in photoshops/adobe illustrator/any tool will bring a better quality and outcome for your artwork although make sure they follow on your content strategy, taste and feel of the artwork you want them to create. There are also online tools that helps to create digital artworks which you can access from any place.

Design tools used to create digital work.
  1. Timeline

Last but not least, make sure you plan ahead to get ready of all artworks before your campaign starts. Timing is sometimes hard while working on artwork to finish because it might encounter with revisions multiple times to get the perfectly designed product.

With all these considered, your digital artwork design will not only look like a premium made one but also getting it done in a short specific timeline for you publishing schedule.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to plan, design & repeat.

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